Author Archives: dan dorsey

SPG Teaching Team Offers Design Course on the Dineh (Navaho) Nation

The SPG Teaching Team was invited by two native families living on Black Mesa on the Dineh (Navaho) Nation in NE Arizona to come and offer the Permaculture Design course. We were honored by the invitation, and we knew we would learn more from these native families than they would from us. As it turned out we taught and collaborated there for three summers and  blended our knowledge together to develop a hybrid system of land restoration, which the native residents named Naviculture. The course was free for the five Native Americans who attended, and thirteen other participants attended to help defray the cost. Besides offering all the core teachings on integrated site analysis and design, we worked hard to develop a well defined integrated design for the massive Dinebito watershed. We then worked together to establish water harvesting structures, which could stop further erosion from over grazing, open up old dry springs, and allow us to start planting the native forest and grasses, restoring the natural plant guilds of Pinion/Juniper Forest in the area.

  Black Mesa class photo on gabion med. web              Gabion building across washes to stop erosion, harvest water, and collect organic matter so we can use these moist fertile pockets to restore native vegetation. We also constructed hundreds of one rock check dams in the upper reaches of the watershed to stop erosion at its source.

Black Mesa Three Dineh with gabion med. websize

Damaged land due to over-grazing. Traditionally the Dineh people moved their sheep and goats with the seasons, so grass in one area had time to recover, but now that isn’t possible due to fixed settlements and other time commiments.

Black Mesa Hammered Earth med. websizeBlack Mesa sheep med. websize

Building swales along contour to spread and sink overland rainwater flow during heavy storms. These swales were then planted with  juniper and pinyon guilds of native trees and shrubs that were protected from the goats and sheep.

Black Mesa swale building med. websize

After a traditional opening ceremony inside of the Hogan that served as our classroom

Black Mesa after Opening Ceremony in Hogan med. websize

black mesa planting method

Using a traditional dryland farming technique, we constructed a rock wind shield and water catcher around each native squash and melon plant. Each plant was placed in it’s own small basin to collect the summer rains.

SPG Teaching Team gives Permaculture Design course in El Paso

El paso group picture - websize
The Sonoran Permaculture Guild’s Teaching team travelled by Amtrak train to El Paso, Texas in August to give the first 72 hour Permaculture Design certification course ever held in this city of 700,000 people. Seventeen enthusiasic participants graduated, ready to spread Permaculture in far West Texas. The class was held in a historic warehouse in the old garment district, now converted into offices, a cafeteria, a musuem, classrooms, and arts space by the non-profit La Mujer Obrera. Each team in the course completed a design of a real world site at the La Mujer Obrera Urban Farm, and each individual presented a complete final design project. The course participants also constructed part of their group designs. Our design team follows closely the curriculum developed by Bill Mollison and others for the 72 hour Permaculture Design course. Our teaching team members also emphasizs the use of patterned design templates that work well for designing and building in the real world. 

El Paso group in Guild exercise websize

What is the best way to decide where to plant a shrub or tree around a swale? Become the plant and then decide where you would thriveEl Paso PDC natural building med

 Final class round table discussion